
The Importance Of Virtual Reality

Decent Essays

With the development and evolution of humanity, people need to be prepared for the major technological changes that will take place. Virtual reality or VR, is one of the biggest tech developments we've seen in recent years that is forcing the public to question reality. Consumers from all over the world are flocking to the shelves to buy these newly affordable VR products that take them to new worlds and adventures. It is argued whether or not these products will have a dramatic impact on the world or just be another new technology that eventually is swept under the rug, but people are already making steps to push for a reality that includes VR products. By putting on a VR headset, this new generation’s virtual pioneers can experience …show more content…

One of the leading virtual reality website (Virtual Reality Society) founded in 1984 by Jaron Lanier, who is often regarded as the person who coined the term virtual reality claims that “Early forms of virtual reality included blocky looking graphics and crude renderings which did not take long to produce but would not meet today’s ever increasing demands. People want faster, smoother and lifelike scenarios which make greater demands on processing speed, memory and rendering time.” The experiences of VR users back in the 90’s is nothing compared to the 3d rendering and development of present day. Now since the demand is higher and price lower we can start seeing some of the effects on the users. The long term effects are also still being tested, but many of them are starting to be uncovered. The effects relation is more physical than mental and is usually due to eye strain (which causes problems with motion sickness). They are calling this effect “cybersickness” and it’s different for everyone. The main effects a user might feel due to “cybersickness” are headaches, nausea, etc. Age, balance, health, all influence the effects and it is completely different for everyone. Another problem people are facing is the factor of time. It takes time to develop these virtual reality worlds and the user can sometimes get lost in time and not realize how much has gone by. With more knowledge and tests the consumer can find their

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