
The Importance Of Unit Planning In Education

Decent Essays

As classrooms are complex and at times unpredictable, unit planning is important to ensure a roadmap for focused teaching and learning with flexible engaging lessons. This unit was tailored for a rural setting to meet Australian Curriculum requirements using the backwards design model (Wiggins & McTighe 2005). Desired outcomes were planned in consultation with the Australian Curriculum, then acceptable evidence of learning and assessment determined. Learning experiences were then designed to utilise engaging and genuine real-world activities to relate shape and area to students’ lives outside school. Finally, the instruction was scaffolded to the students’ numeracy skills and zone of proximal development [ZPD]. The unit fits with my own personal pedagogical philosophy of a student-centred classroom, where students learn through in a positive classroom with social constructivism.

When planning unit outcomes, the Australian Curriculum, local context and needs of individual students are considered. This ensures relevant stakeholder interests are balanced and meaningful outcomes developed (Dowden, 2013). The Australian Curriculum, guided by the Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians, outlines the official mathematics curricula to ensure students are taught the required knowledge and skills needed is consulted initially (Dowden, 2013). This is important as the Australian Curriculum has been planned with future educational and employment goals

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