
The Importance Of Transformation In Frankenstein

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They say “with age comes wisdom”, however, in Victor Frankenstein’s case it would be more suitable to say that “with experience comes wisdom.” Victor is guilty of allowing his ambitions to blind him from analyzing the consequences of his actions. Nonetheless, throughout the progression of the novel, he undergoes a complete character transformation induced by the calamitous experiences he must constantly face. The nature of Frankenstein’s transformation is portrayed through his character development and correlates with the themes scientific progress is a disguised form of destruction and the sin of transgressing out of bounds intellectually and morally. Readers get their first taste of Victor Frankenstein when he climbed aboard Walton’s vessel in an emaciated and harrowing physical state. After being on the ship for a few days Frankenstein notices Walton’s ambition towards pursuing his goals and decides to forewarn him of such endeavors by recounting the tales of his own tragic life. When the actual story of Frankenstein begins, readers are introduced to a younger and more innocent Victor in great physical health. He was brought up in an affluent and doting family, where he eventually received a human gift, Elizabeth, for him to cherish and look after. As he got older he expressed an ardent interest in natural philosophy and discovering the secrets of the physical world. This piece of information begins to reveal an arrogance and God-like complex within Victor.

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