
The Importance Of The Executive Branch In The United States

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The government of the United States of America has been around for over 2 centuries, in this time the original setup has been little altered. The government is composed of three individual branches: judicial, executive, and legislative branches. All three branches are held together using a system of checks and balances. While each branch has some kind of trump or has control over another branch, some branches are arguably more powerful than others. The main focus of this paper will be on where the executive branch stands power-wise. When our founding fathers first started building our nation from the dust, they had in mind a system of branches where no one branch was more powerful than the others. The decision of whether or not they hit …show more content…

This bring popularity because there is one name- one face to remember. If you were to go anywhere outside the United States and ask them to point out our president from a group of people, chances are they could as he is one of the most commonly known people alive. On the conterary, if you were to ask someone to name one senater, congressman, or judge; chances are they will have no answer fro you. Sadly enough, this will also apply in the U.S. it’s self as the president far more widely known than any other american political figure. another reason could be how the presidential election is held nation-wide and every person is exposed to political advertising held by those running for office. So why is the president’s popularity such a big deal? The popularity that the president of the U.S. has is very important as he is able to reach a much larger audiance than any one from the other two branches could dream of reaching with out being the president themselves. So yeah boo-whoo he can just have more people listen to what he says. Wrong- by having his voice heard globaly his word can and will be taken as law. If the president came forward and said that he wanted every able young man/woman to take to arms and prepare to fight Korea, many would shoot up and sign them self’s away without a second thought. As with all things not everyone …show more content…

That’s right congress seems to have a grudge of sorts on the executive branch. This could be from a number of things, it could be that they see the president as some annoying co-worker that just deleted their last months project, every time the president vetos. We all know this must be frusterating be cause im sure we have all been in their place. And if congress breathing down his neck wasnt bad enough, one of the only checks that the executive branch has can be overridden. That means that the thing that is supposed to stope legislation from passing can be passed. Which isn’t tha tbad of a thing because if congress passes legislation which means there is aleady a majority. So when one man says no and then even more men say yes i think we can all see where the real preoblem

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