
The Importance Of The Cardiovascular System

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The human body is composed of several systems each have different functions but they are very important. One such system is the cardiovascular or circulatory system, this system together with its organs are specialized in transporting food and respiratory gases throughout the body as well to facilitate blood circulation in the body. The main function of the cardiovascular system is to distribute nutrients throughout the body and gases like oxygen and carbon dioxide, as well as transporting hormones and cells. It also collects and removes wastes from cellular metabolism and takes them to the excretory system. The cardiovascular system consists of the heart, the blood vessels are three kinds of blood vessels: arteries, veins and capillaries. The heart is the most important organ of the cardiovascular system, it is the most vital organ in the human body, and its function is to circulate the blood acting as a pump.
The arteries are blood vessels that leave the heart and carry the blood to the different organs of the body.
The veins are larger microscopic blood vessels than the arteries that run superficially to the skin.
The capillaries are thin vessels that divide the arteries and that penetrate all the organs of the body when joining again form the veins.
In the cardiovascular system we can present several diseases two of them are hypertension and a heart attack these can even cause death.
Firstly, hypertension or high blood pressure is caused by a narrowing of very small

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