
The Importance Of The Biological Clocks In Everyday Life

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In everyday life, a clock is undeniably indispensable. It tells and measures time, which helps in keeping people’s activities well-regulated. This definition is so widely known that whenever mentioning the term “clock,” all people can think of is the physical clock with hands and numbers; barely anybody recognizes that there is also the existence of another type: the body clock. In fact, the biological clock plays an imperative role in human’s life, especially with health. It can cause huge changes in behavior and bodily function. Its malfunctions may lead to serious chronic or fatal health problems. Thus, the body clock impacts our lives greatly.
The biological clock is also known as the circadian rhythm: circa means “around,” and dies means “day” in Latin. It’s defined as a “24-hour cycle and is usually understood as a sleep-wake cycle, which makes us feel sleepy when the sun sets and wakeful when the sun rises”. According to Ph.D. Jim Waterhouse at Liverpool John Moores University, “The body clock so precisely controls our body, disrupting which can have profound implications.” Furthermore, researchers substantiate that it’s also in charge of one’s sleep, hunger, thirst, mental alertness, mood swing, immunity, etc. The biological clock is just a dissimilar facet of time. While physical clocks literally depict the abstract ticking time, body clocks open to a distinct perception of inner-body time, which do not rely on Earth’s rotation but on the reactions among neurons

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