
The Importance Of Teenage Parents In William Shakespeare's 'Romeo And Juliet'

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In the Shakespearean play “Romeo and Juliet”, the parents of adolescent children often made choices for their children such as where they were to be at a certain time and how they were to dress for a certain party. One of the most unusual decisions made for the children, according to our time, was the decision of courting and marriage. Parents would choose who the child was to marry and when the wedding would be. Many people of the present day in age believe that children should be able to choose whoever they want to be with for the rest of their lives. Other parents try to shelter their children from the world and restrict them from dating certain people. Due to recent brain studies, real life examples, and examples from “Romeo and Juliet”, parents should be able to exclude certain people from dating their child. Parents should be able to limit their child’s dating life due to recent brain studies. According to the PBS documentary “Inside the Teenage Brain”, teenagers’ brains are still developing from puberty and are more likely to try riskier or more dangerous events, such as going out with more dangerous people. Parents need to keep an eye out on their children as they may have chosen the wrong person to go out with and could possibly end up getting hurt. The article also says that teenagers are afraid to ask their parents for help, entitling the adolescents to do whatever they think is correct. Teenagers don’t always know what is right and wrong, so they need their parents to guide them in times of need. In the article “Beautiful Brains” by David Dobbs, he states that when parents gently, but steadily, lead them through teenage years, adolescents do better as adults. If parents lead their children through the tough parts of their life, such as looking for a date, the teens will remember their parents’ advice for later in life. Therefore, adolescents should not be able to date a certain person without their parents’ consent. Another reason why parents should prevent their teens from dating certain people is that they are just trying to help their child on the path known as life. My parents have limited me from dating certain people and have given me guidelines to follow for the people that I may want to

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