
The Importance Of Teen Driving

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Everyone experiences a series of milestone events in their life. What makes these types of achievements so tasteful are the fresh feelings of being part of something such as driving for the first time. For some first time drivers, before they begin their driving experience, some felt limited due to not having the knowledge or eligibility to drive a vehicle. After experiencing the feeling of driving, they describe the experience of having a sense of freedom behind the wheel and being able to make their own decisions. Focusing on such beautiful tastes, there are also the unfavorable memories many would rather wish did not occur to them. Throughout the years, teen car accidents have increased slowly due to the presence of peers, consumption of alcohol and untimely human error. Teens should not be allowed to drive because teens are more prone to common activity that causes car accidents. Friends are one of the best supports anyone can have in their life. They can be supportive in difficult situations and create the most amazing memories. But for some, once they become aware of a peer’s new driver's license, driving on the road can be a little dicey. Majority of teens does not want to disappoint their friends. In Driving Under the Influence of Friends is Risky for Teens, the organization's research states, “behaviors such as risky driving may be more likely to occur when perceived as the preferred or expected by important others.” The meaning of this quote speaks of an example,

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