
The Importance Of Sustainability At The California Of The Soil

Good Essays

The Importance of Sustainability Throughout this course, over the past semester, we have discussed a variety of ideas and opinions. These ideas include such concepts as science and religion coexisting together, the origins of life, politics, California being the edge of western civilization, and what my essay will focus on, sustainability. Much of the latter half of this course focuses on the idea of ecological sustainability, meaning that there is a limit to the amount of natural recourses we currently have, so we must conserve and manage the remaining recourses we have left, in order to protect the environment and have future recourses. This concept will be further elaborated on when I write about the Assembling California reading by …show more content…

Additionally, I came to realize that people don’t fully understand, or simply don’t care about the repercussions of what their actions may or have caused to the surrounding ecosystem. The desire for wealth has made individuals numb to the extent of their actions, as long as their actions are beneficial for themselves. By this I mean that individuals will essentially destroy the planet in order to get rich, without thinking about what their actions will cause to the local ecosystem. This search for raw materials in many ways is a double-edged sword, by this I mean that the gold rush has made California into what it is today, but it has also caused irreducible damage to the environment. This means of using raw materials can be applied to any location, in which individuals have no other means to provide for their family, whether their occupation is drilling for oil, mining for ore, or deforesting for farming. It saddens me to watch most of the world to search for wealth, rather than preserving the environment for future generations. Moreover, I understand why people in developing countries destroy the local environment for money, but when the natural recourses ultimately diminish, what will they be left with? The way the environment is currently being destructed makes me think of WALL-E, the Earth looked after all the natural recourses were gone and how no life could even be sustained, aside from a

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