
The Importance Of Stem Cells

Decent Essays

After reading the study, the most obvious future study in my mind is adjusting the treatment period of the mice. In the future, the mice should be treated for a longer time period with the MSCs. I would like to know specifically if there were negative long-term effects for using this over a longer period of time for this purpose. In class, we learned that injecting stem cells can be dangerous in that although they have the ability to become multiple types of cells in the body, it is hard to control what type of cell they evolve into. With cells that are potentially unregulated in the body dividing, this has the potential, in my opinion, to cause problems if used for extended periods of time. Additionally, another risk of using stem cells …show more content…

Perhaps one group receiving a calorie restricted diet, while another a high fat and yet another high carb. Looking at the health risks that make psoriasis simulating treatments easier or harder to induce. This information would be interesting to study because of the work that could be done to look at preventative measures. If diet has a role on the reaction that the body has to the inducer, doctors and health care professorial could better advise individuals about the effects of lifestyle choices as well as to educate individuals about risk factors that could impact them.
A slight change to this idea would be to vary the activity level of the mice used and look at the effect that high or low activity has on the effectiveness of the treatment with MSCs. Looking at the effective because, in more fit individuals, the cells in the body are in a stressed state more often, and therefore may be more likely to have a healthier immune response. Looking at the effect of having more resilient cells in the body would be able to be part of a treatment plan therefore if this was seen to be a positive influence on the effect of MSCs in the body. This study would look at the measures that would be suggested by a doctor once psoriasis is deemed to be the cause of illness of an individual. Finding routes that make a medicine more effective would benefit individuals especially who are unable due to conflicting medicines or health purposes are

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