
The Importance Of Professional Communication

Decent Essays

Professional communication has been regarded as a fundamental discipline among all professions, which entails the skill of communicating effectively and sensitively. The purpose of this paper is to acquire extensive knowledge about the importance of professional and effective communication in the delivery of health care in various cultural groups. This writer selected the Latino population as her journal reading, since Latinos have become frequent patients in the acute care hospital. Through this reading, exploring the culture of Latinos will augment insights to the delivery of care that is culturally sensitive. Furthermore, the importance of cultural competence in nursing facilitates effective delivery of utmost care to diverse patients based on their cultural and linguistic needs. Approved by the Emory Institutional Review Board, a group of five researchers conducted a study over five years among Latino population in seven local clinics in Georgia, since this population served as the largest minority group and has significantly suffered from a higher prevalence of diabetes complications and mortality. The purpose of the article, entitled ‘Improving Diabetes Care in the Latino Population: The Emory Latino Diabetes Education Program,’ was to test the effects of a culturally-tailored, literacy-sensitive diabetes self-management intervention on maintaining the normal range of clinical indicators of care (HbA1C, blood pressure, body mass index), increasing risk-reduction

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