
The Importance Of Physical Beauty In Cyrano De Bergerac

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In today’s day and age, people are judged not on their inner beauty, but rather, their physical beauty. This desire to hold judgement against outer beauty slowly ruins self-confidence. In Cyrano de Bergerac this judgement on outer beauty makes the characters feel insecure about their weaker qualities. This is demonstrated by Cyrano’s belief that people think lowly of him because of his appearance. In contrast, Christian finds himself physically attractive but, with little eloquence and fears his handsome looks is all people see of him. And finally, Roxanne contributes to this issue by expressing her judgement on people based on their looks.
Appearance does not portend everything, but in most cases, is the quality that is judged predominately. Cyrano is an astonishingly intelligent, and well-spoken man, but has unappealing looks. His appearance affects his self-confidence considering that he believes everyone looks at him as being an ugly individual. When Roxanne is explaining the man, she is in love with, Cyrano assumes she is explaining his characteristics, until she says “his face shines with wit and intelligence, he’s proud, noble, young, fearless, handsome…” (Cyrano de Bergerac, Rostand, pg. 77). Cyrano hears that the man is handsome and loses all hope, because to himself he is not considered handsome. Having been judged about his physical features, his self-confidence is poor. Although, he believes his outer beauty decides on how people envision him, he is a very intelligent individual and has marvelous inside qualities, which many people recognize and respect. If only he could realize that his outer beauty is not nearly important as his inner beauty, maybe then he could see how important his strongest qualities are.
Being well dressed, groomed, and being physically appealing has its perks, as appearance is what a first impression would be based on if no conversation is involved. But outer beauty does not indicate a person’s personality and intelligence. In regards to Christian, he is a very handsome character, but his word choice and poetic sensibility are very poor. He is always at a loss of words and believes he is a dim-witted individual, especially when he tells Cyrano that “… I’m one of those men

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