
The Importance Of Occupational Therapy

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Occupational therapy is an interesting discipline which has its roots in just about every other form of therapy and medicine. Many aspects of occupational therapy are seen in everyday life, yet go unnoticed because of how commonplace they are in our society. When I thought of occupational therapy, before doing research, I thought of specialized equipment such as a modified spoon to help a person who had suffered a stroke can feed themselves once again. This happens to be only one of many skills that occupational therapists employ to assist patients. They also work closely with other medical professionals to give the best care possible to their patients. Throughout this paper I will discuss more in depth what occupational therapists do …show more content…

Occupational therapy has been around for a very long time, but even in its early form, has had the goal of improving quality of life. The first record of occupational therapy goes back to 100 BCE with the Greek physician Asclepiades who would implement procedures such as massage, music and baths to help his patients heal. Asclepiades was one of the first people to implement humane treatment of mental illness which would be disregarded and reimplemented multiple times throughout history. After many cycles of disregard for the mentally and physically ill, a physician in the early 1800’s, Phillipe Pinel reclaimed the idea of ethical treatment towards the mentally ill which he dubbed moral treatment and occupation. The idea of ethical treatment, again could have been lost if it wasn’t for a woman named Susan Tracy, who picked up the idea, and began to train nurses in the early 1900’s. Occupational therapy wasn’t widely noticed until after the first world war. People were coming back with both physical and mental wounds, and needed assistance with everyday life, which was not readily provided for at the time. It was in 1917 that occupational therapy became acknowledged as its own practice, focusing on ways to assimilate these soldiers back into civilian life. “It was during this time that occupational therapy became more closely aligned with medicine, creating a more scientific approach to the field of study” (otaonline,

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