
The Importance Of Natural Resources

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James Madison best describes human nature in the Federalist No. 10 by understanding that people serve in their best interest, and in doing so infringe upon the rights of others. This leads us to the question of whether citizens are exclusively morally entitled to a share of natural resources. Personally, I believe citizens are not ‘exclusively’ entitled to natural resource shares. This is due to several factors in play i.e. citizens being immoral, contradicting human rights, and citizen’s lack of outcome responsibility in the end. Nevertheless, we will address the United Nations’ principle of permanent sovereignty over natural resources, and discuss how the theory can be detrimental to states’ sovereignty in the end. First and foremost, one must better understand the influence that natural resources have on humans in specific. Natural resources are said to be the life line of a country’s wealth and wellbeing. Their importance is vital in how well a country develops or doesn’t develop at all. Natural resources are defined as the resources that exist without actions of humankind. They can include precious metals, oil, and soil. Nevertheless, humans have learned how to exploit these natural resources and use them to their best interest at all cost. Although, argued that morally natural resources are a right to citizens. Citizens have proved time and time again that they are not morally capable nor responsible to obtain such resources exclusively. As mentioned before, humans

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