
The Importance Of Moral Education

Good Essays

When schools are only putting pressure on the left side of students’ brains, what happens to the right side? The left side of our brain is about analytical thoughts, whereas the right side of our brain is about creativity. The real world needs both sides of our brains to work, but schools are only training our left side and letting the right side deteriorate. School is killing creativity by the systems of mass education, the fear of being wrong in class, and cuts in creative classes. For instance, Horace Mann used the entire brain with intellectual and moral education which is something we are lacking in today.
Horace Mann was someone who thought about critical thinking, used research to his benefit, and reflected on society which made him a leading proponent of intellectual and moral education in 1848. He noticed how intellectual education is the basis of what equalizes men and demonstrated how education holds the power to eliminate a lot of the negative aspects of society. As Mann stated, “The spread of education, by enlarging the cultivated class or caste, will open a wider area over which the social feelings will expand; and, if this education should be universal and complete, it would do more than all things else to obliterate factitious distinctions in society…”(Mann). He noticed an equal chance of education for men gives them all an equal chance to earn what they desire. Moral education played a big role for Mann in the necessities of human existence. Horace Mann puts

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