
The Importance Of Mcmahan's Decision To Go To The Military

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Now it is easy for an individual to tell someone to not do something without knowing the full extent of that person’s limitations. For example, I can tell my best friend to purchase a ticket to go to my wedding that is in the Dominican, and if he doesn’t come to my wedding, it is an indication that he does not value our friendship. On the surface, it sounds like a fair assessment. Now, what if I tell you now that my friend is living in his car and has about 2 dollars in his bank account. Certainly, you would not expect me to be upset if he doesn’t come down to my wedding now, as he is severely limited in his monetary capabilities to physically be at my wedding. This same principle should apply to McMahan in regards to soldiers in economic duress, but as …show more content…

That being said, McMahan has no right to essentially scold an individual for not being able to fix a financial situation without knowing the circumstances to which that individual was put in that predicament. Now I acknowledge that McMahan could counter this argument by saying that due to the high rate of mortality, the decision to go to war must not be taken lightly. As such, anyone with financial strains on the verge of entering a war that could be unjust should simply do something else to find money and sustain their survival. This is a fair assessment, as individuals should look to all possible courses of action when deliberating a major decision like entering a war. That being said, I challenge, McMahan to say the same if he is in a position of severe economic duress, to the point of starvation and still want to take the time to find a way past this other than war if the choice was provided to him. There would be no way of this happening because he will physically not be in a position to choose because his body is withering

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