
The Importance Of Liberal Arts

Decent Essays

Today students major in areas such as medicine, economics, engineering and business yet, not many major in liberal arts. Why is that? Steve Pearlstein, a writer and a Robinson Professor of Public Affairs at George Mason University, in his article “Meet the parents who won’t let their children study literature” (2016), argues that college students should be able to pursue on the major they want rather than listen to what their parents want for them. He supports his argument by providing testimonies, statistical evidence, and studies. The author’s purpose is to encourage all students to consider becoming a liberal arts major. Out of all his appeals, his strongest were both logical and ethical because he provided an amount of sources that build up his credibility. In the other hand, the article lacks on emotional appeal. Overall, he delivers a well structured article that hits the points on why we should consider majors like liberal arts and how students take majors that their parents prefer. To build his argument Pearlstein uses logical appeal that demonstrates to be one of his strongest appeals out of his whole article. He does this by this by giving an example of a parental testimony. Kyler Tucker of Fredericksburg, Va, a parent that stood outside with his son in long line in front of engineering school booth commented: “ To spend $80,000 on a history, degree, I’d need to see a way forward” to a career (Pearlstein 52). In this case, most parents pay their children's

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