Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution states that “Congress shall have power to regulate commerce with foreign nations, among the several states, and with the Indian Tribes” (Epstein, et. al., 2017). “Congress can regulate the channels of interstate commerce and has the authority to regulate and protect the instrumentalities of interstate commerce, and persons or things in interstate commerce. Congress has the power to regulate activities that substantially affect interstate commerce” (Epstein, et. al., 2017).
The hypothetical case of United States v. Bates details the appeal and controversy of Interstate Commerce filed by Norman Bates, owner of Eros Lodge and Eros Bar and Grill located in the city of Utopia in the State of Grace. Bates is concerned how his business could be affected by having same sex couple customers. Bates is not only worried about how profits could decrease, he also believes that homosexuality is immoral. He believes that many of his regular customers would not return or customers would be angry about same sex couples being present during their romantic getaway at the Eros Lodge. The Public Administration Equal Access Act forbids discrimination regarding sexual orientation in places such as those owned by Norman Bates. The Equal Access Act applies to any business whose daily operations affect interstate commerce. The Eros Lodge and Bar and Grill are not private businesses, and there are more than five rooms available for guests. Many guests are
5. Wabash case suggested individual states do not have power to regulate interstate commerce. Interstate Commerce Act was passed and banned pools and unfair discrimination against shippers. It also set up the Interstate Commerce Commission that enforced the legislation. It was the first attempt that the government tried to regulate
The Federalists called this act as unconstitutional on the basis that the Congress may “regulate trade with foreign nations, and among the several states…” To regulate trade implies that some trade is allowed. Congress completely banned trade with foreign nations so the Embargo Act of 1807 was clearly unconstitutional. Daniel Webster, a Federalist, said in a speech,
n the Articles of confederation, the states had sovereignty, but in the Constitution, the states and national government share sovereignty. So the States were sovereign under the Articles but have shared power under Constitution. The power could have also been limited under the constitution. sovereignty is ultimate authority over a certain territory. In the Articles of Confederation, it was the states that had the ultimate authority. In the Constitution, it was the states and the national government that shared the authority.
It goes without saying that the legacy of Thomas Jefferson as President has been an intellectually consistent one throughout American History. Of his many accomplishments- from being the primary drafter of the Declaration of Independence, to being a man of enlightenment- Jefferson's impressive guidance of foreign diplomacy resulting in the Louisiana Purchase was one of the most iconic events throughout the first administration of his presidency. Since Thomas Jefferson upheld the agrarian ideal, he had desired to expand the United States; and with the purchase of the Louisiana territory, not only did the expansion nearly double the amount of United States territory , but it further established his vision of a “New Empire of Liberty.” More importantly, after the Louisiana Purchase of 1803, this led Jefferson to commission the iconic expedition of the American West, the Corps of Discovery, commonly popularized throughout American lore as the Expedition of Lewis and Clark.
Congress replied to Britain’s actions by placing an embargo on imported goods from Britain. An embargo prevents goods from being bought and sold.
Whether you are referring to early Israel in the Bible, the transatlantic trade during the 1600s, modern times, slavery has found a way to rear its ugly head in one way or another. It would appear that a person being a chattel to another person, as Merriam-Webster defines slavery, has been around for practically an eternity. Not only has it been –and still is –present, but slavery has been worldwide. No matter what type of slavery –forced labor, debt labor, sex slavery, or child slavery- the topic has proven to be very controversial in history. For American history in particular, slavery is one reason the Civil War began in 1861. In addition to the Civil War, multiple court cases have risen from this culture of forced labor. Cases like
Section 2 “Every person who shall monopolize, or attempt to monopolize, or combine or conspire with any person or persons, to monopolize any part of the trade or commerce among the several states, or with foreign nations, shall be deemed guilty of a felony” (as later amended from “misdemeanor”). (p.375)
The Articles of Confederation are definitely an important part of American history, for being such a flop. They could barely last 8 years while the Constitution has been in place for almost 230 years. The Articles were such a failure for many reasons, just 3 of these are that they gave the people too much power and limited the power of the government, they didn’t regulate currency, and didn’t create a leader
The Commerce Clause gives congress the control of any sales and anything bought from foreign countries, states, or any sort of Indian tribe.
this promotion in conjunction with a Mother's Day promotion that he says draws a very loyal group of residence are two of his main sources of income. the second when he argues the law violates constitutional rights is that the damage that this would do to his business would be akin to the government seizing it there for violating the takings clause. he supports this, by providing a survey of 200 of his customers. When asked if they would continue to use the Eros Lodge if he were to allow homosexuals to also room in the lodge of the 50 that responded all 50 said they would not return to the lodge. Bates would go on a file this suit in federal court against the United States. The federal courts sided with the United States and delivered a brief opinion citing cases like Wickard V Filburn and United States V Darby. they founded the Supreme Court had consistently shown how wide of a bread the Commerce Clause to be used with. Even found that the Supreme Court had ruled unanimously in similar cases such as close and heart of Atlanta Motel versus the United States. the argument was a moot point. Refiling in the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals, Bates found success as in a
When I was three months old, my parents requested my uncle to deliver me to my grandparents in China; my uncle was the stork and I was the baby. Although I was born in the states, my childhood was far from a typical Chinese-American girl. Instead of an alarm clock, I had a rooster. My grandfather drove me to preschool every day on a motorcycle, and after school I would come home to my grandmother planting seedlings in the endless field of rice paddies across from our house. On the weekends I would run through the Majong house to the snack shop where I would be nit picky about all the candies to decide which one was worthy of my five cents. I had completely assimilated into this culture, this childhood. Until the day that my dad stepped foot
Export and import are key to each country especially when referring to the top products produced. Specifically U.S exports and imports are critical to the economy growth and relations expansion within other countries. Exports and imports history demonstrates that the United States has been heavily dependent of exporting throughout years. It has played an important role in global trade as well. Therefore, I believe it is important to follow what has boost up the U.S economy. With that being said, I believe the U.S should export energy but, should always have a limit on how much it exports. Also, it is important to have on mind that the prohibition of crude oil exports will decrease imports.
The compensation changes could be a reason for the decline of Best Buy, but I think that the other external factors are more important. First it is hard for Best Buy to compete with Walmart or Amazon because they offer more options for cheaper prices. Walmart always has lower prices than Best Buy and they have other items to shop for in their store. Walmart is a place where you can get just about anything you want and they most likely have it for a cheaper price than others. They also don’t have to pay their employees as much because they don’t require employees to sell you their products; the products sell themselves, so Walmart doesn’t need to compensate their employees the same way Best Buy does. Amazon also beats Best Buy because they don’t
In the American government today, power is divided between a central government and many local governments. This is called federalism. Some Americans claim federalism is bad because it prevents the creation of a national policy, Policies fail and there isn’t anyone to blame, and overall the system cannot function because of the ignorance of citizens.
Impact and contribution of healthy diet to positive lifestyle theories have been the focus of research in different age among the different section. But the impact and contribution of eating healthy diet from their lifestyle is developed has rarely been investigated. This study tested the fit of the theory of healthy diet to positive lifestyle as the sample. Results showed the data fitted the healthier diet to positive lifestyle model moderately well and explained respondents’ eating habits intention. Attitude, perceived behavioral control and past behavior were found to be related to respondents’ eating lifestyle intention. Recommendations were provided for the people of different gender or age as the way of eating healthy diet.