Higher education is critical in this generation and is very useful for social and economic growth, and stability. In many careers, a higher education of some sort is typically required, and/or preferred. Although many work places require this advanced education, some aren’t in a place to receive it. Whether it deals with financial burdens, family issues, or life not going as planned, many individuals find it very difficult to further their education in order to fulfil their dreams and be successful in every aspect of life. Students are assumed to enroll in college the fall after graduating from high school, however, money issues often come into play. The statistics in compliance with the average number of students enrolling is declining. According to a study in 2014, the percentage of students that continue their education in college directly after high school is roughly 65.9%. Although college is rather expensive, approximately 67% of full-time students receive some form of financial aid, as in scholarships and grants. This helps tremendously, but it can still be too expensive for some students, especially if they are paying alone without help from their parents. Additionally, if a student receives financial aid, such as loans, there is a possibility they would have to pay it back in the future. This puts a limit on student’s education and raises questions pertaining to if higher education is worth it, and what values it has to offer. Receiving a higher education has
Over the past decade, it has become evident to the students of the United States that in order to attain a well paying job they must seek a higher education. The higher education, usually a college or university, is practically required in order to succeed. To be able to attend these schools and receive a degree in a specific field it means money, and often a lot of it. For students, the need for a degree is strong, but the cost of going to college may stand in the way of a successful future. Each year the expense of college rises, resulting in the need for students to take out loans. Many students expect to immediately get a job after graduation, however, in more recent years the chances for college graduates to get a well paying job
In today’s economy, it’s nearly impossible to earn a decent living without a college degree. However, even when students strive for a degree, they are financially burdened with debt. Regardless of which decision you choose, you are chastened. Even though you will not receive the traditional college experience, you be relieved of financial burdens and still acquire the
Many students have aspirations about attending the college of their dreams, but many people lack financial support and are not able to go because of high tuition payments, such as housing, and other college expenses. U.S. Student Loans Debt Statistics for 2017 indicate that “the cost of attending college is becoming a growing burden for a huge portion of Americans.” (Student Loan Hero). Students are left with the option of dropping and leaving school. Even after receiving some financial support, such as scholarships and grants, students have limited amount of money to pay off their expenses. At the start of their college career, students apply for the colleges they would like to go to, and many forget about the financial decision that is required to pay for college. “A 2010 study on more than 200,000 freshmen at four-year colleges, more students rated themselves as below average in emotional health than ever before. The financial stress of worrying about their college loans and whether they’ll find a job after college and the day to day stress of making decisions for themselves in all aspects of their lives.” (Allianz). Unfortunately, freshman students are the main group of college students that go through financial conflicts, leading to stress about how to pay for college. Some students choose to work their way through college. “Others decide they’d rather be making money working full time than pursuing a costly degree. Still others become discouraged at the prospect of incurring loan debt” (College View). According to Public Agenda, “Work is the top reason young adults give for not returning to college once they leave. More than a third (36 percent) of those who left school say that even if they had a grant that fully paid for tuition
The overwhelming cost for higher educational institutions is causing a huge concern over whether higher education will be an attainable financial concept to the ordinary student in the upcoming years. Many Americans now tend to believe that the path to obtaining a degree has turned into distraught with financial traps. Recent studies done by the U.S. Department of Education show that “college tuition and fees have ballooned 1,120% since 1978. A year of college tuition for
The value of higher education is a heated argument among professionals, students and writers. Primary issues in the debate vary and include opportunity for employment, how the education system must improve, and the value of a college degree. Writers Emily Hanford, Mike Rose, and Thomas Tierney all take the approach that college is necessary for a satisfying lifestyle. They argue that higher education provides valuable life skills. Gary Jason, Karen Lawrence, and The Economist, on the other hand, argue that college is an avenue to success, but that it is only useful if approached in the right way. The debate of higher education continues because professionals and writers haven’t come to an agreement on the value of higher education.
Over the past few decades, college tuition has gone up about 750%. Total student loan debts have reached $1 trillion. With college graduates ending up jobless and the average return on going to college is falling, it seems like college is not worth the cost or time anymore. As Americans heatedly debated over whether higher education is worth the investment, students are torn between going to college or not. Although the cost of higher education is ballooning more than ever, college is in fact worth the investment because college graduates have higher earning potential, are less likely to be in poverty, unemployed and underemployed, and earn more positive psychological benefits compared to high school graduates.
Although there are many students who participate in higher education like college, it is not a universal normality. Even so, college is universally credited as the place that helps people reach their definition of success. College is a step in the right direction as many people will note. It is a place that educates students in a specific field they hope to make a career out of. College has a stigma though, it is thought of as a place that produces robots of society; highly educated, skilled, and very ambitious people. College should not be seen as the manufacturer of robots, it should be thought of as the place students go to learn how to be better unique individuals who can unify to help make the world a better place. It might sound like
Imagine working hard for a college education in order to have a financially secured future only to find yourself unhappy and unsuccessful. Some students are always eager to go to the last stage of their educational program and attain the highest degree. However, these are always dreams for the students like having less financial abilities as the higher education needs some money for managing the academic expenses. Some people would insist that college is the only way to success in life, but earning a higher education could be an issue that has several disadvantages. Due to the seemingly exponential increase in the costs of obtaining a college degree, students are either being driven away entirely from earning a degree or taking out student loans which cripple their financial prospects well after graduation. A college education has negative consequences because of the high amount of debt accumulated, difficulty finding employment after graduation, and the lack of
After high school, more and more students are opting to continue their education and earn a degree. However, many face a financial struggle. The cost to attend college is rising. Often, many might think that attending college is out of the question because of the cost. However, there is help available for those that are struggling with their finances. It is estimated that over half the students attending college receive some form of Financial Aid Assistance before graduating. In fact, the average student has used a combination of scholarships, grants, and loans to fund their education at public, private, and non profit schools during their undergraduate and graduate years. Certainly, it pays to look at all financial resources.
Higher education is the foundation for growth within our global economy. Students who properly utilized the system to its fullest extent, garner life altering skills and abilities. These skills, which are often transferable from industry to industry further, enhance the quality of life for society. Many of the world's brightest students help create, lead, and establish many of the world's dominant organizations. These organizations, in turn, create goods and services that provide a compelling value proposition for the consumer. Without the aid of higher education, and the subsequent benefits derived from participation, many of these individuals would not have made the significant contributions to society that they have. It is therefore logical to continue to preserve the higher education system so that the next generation of students can further enhance the quality of life for society. Opportunities abound, particularly within the millennial generation, predicated on the ubiquitous nature of information sharing (Veblen, 1918). The ability to gather, analyze and disseminate information has never been as robust as it stands today. Higher education has a very bright and prosperous future ahead (Ewell, 1999).
High school seniors around the globe graduate at the end of each school year and receive their high school diplomas. After the completion of high school students are then faced with the question of what is next in their future? Many choose to attend either a four-year university whether it be private or public to receive a bachelor’s degree, while some choose to attend a two-year college where they will receive an associate degree, and then others choose to begin work or join the armed forces. Those who decide to advance their education are then faced with the question of how will they be able to afford to further their education and increase their chances of making more money and being financially stable for their future. Current college students,
Education is a key for a better and successful life. According to the article, “Why is higher education is important” by Dr. Heather Allen, defines that “higher education is education provided by universities, college, and other institutions that award academic degrees. Higher education includes both the undergraduate (i.e., college) and the graduate (or postgraduate) levels. Higher education includes most professional education and is strongly vocationally or professionally oriented. “Hence, higher education makes individuals much more intelligent than what they would be with just a high school education. The more intelligent an individual is the better quality of life they are likely to have. Higher education systems can very valuable because they provide individuals with life skills that are essential to being successful in life. While studying at a higher education system, one is forced to develop to essential time management skills much more so than at the high school level. With time needed for studying, attending classes, completing homework, so one needs to manage their time in order to avoid failing out. These time management skills help individuals later on in life. Another important life skill that individuals who attend higher education systems gain is money management skills. Some higher education system students work part-time jobs, but the majority are unable to find the time to do so on top of their schoolwork, so the only money they have for spending is
With the price of education skyrocketing, it is important to know that education is the number one priority in order to advance future generations regardless of cost. “As a critical behavior for business success, problem solving, or community engagement, developing students’ leadership capacities informs and impacts outcomes across higher education’s divergent purposes (Chunoo, Vivechkanand and Laura Osteen).” Therefore, higher education is worth the price no matter how much it costs. It is important to note that in order to better ourselves and our children we must educate them so that we can improve society as a whole.
Education may be referred to as the procedure of facilitating knowledge, beliefs, habits, values, and skills. There exist various methods of education, and they include; training, teaching, and discussions. Thus education may be in two different settings, that is informal education and formal setting. Learning is therefore alienated into different stages; play school, primary school/elementary school, middle school, high school, and University/college. Hence advanced education, which also referred to as post-secondary learning may be referred to as the optional stage of formal learning; that occurs after one has completed their high school education. Accordingly, higher education is mostly offered at Universities, Colleges or institutions of technology. Similarly higher education may also be available to an individual through various College institutions like; the vocational schools, and the trade schools. The human rights as well consider that higher education is the right to every individual who wishes to continue with their studies. Higher education entails; research, teaching, and challenging applied for work, this is in the Universities. Ever since the World War 2 many developing and also the developed countries, have increased the number of people who study higher education. This, therefore, increased the Elite rate up to 15% and the mass rate from 16% to 50%. Hence in almost all the developing countries, the level of the participation in higher education has increased
Colleges and Universities are institutions of higher learning. These institutions are continuously changing and evolving as means for preparing their students for the ever changing and evolving world. The institutions' curriculums and courses that are offered to the students are reflections of those changes. Higher learning institution's graduate students will learn how to conduct research into new theories, conduct experiments that have never been done and analyze social changes for the betterment of all. Our technological and economic growth is dependent on what types of students the universities and colleges are producing. This is one of the vital aspects of the importance of a higher education.