
The Importance Of Health Care In Haiti

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The country of Haiti endured a massive earthquake in January 2010, and left much of the country is disarray. Devastation of this magnitude in Haiti, which was already a developing, struggling country, set the country back and they had to begin to rebuild yet again. Lending institutions help a country sustain economic stability so that when a family needs cash to fund a new business or purchase a new home for their family, there is a bank available and able to supply those funds. “The international financial institutions are working with Haiti to rebuild its system from scratch. Interbank transactions and government payments are made manually, after the computerized system was knocked out in the earthquake.” (Conger, 2010) “The lending …show more content…

“Three years after the devastating earthquake took the lives of 200,000 Haitians, displaced millions more and disrupted the public health infrastructure of the country, two new public health buildings opened in the country’s capital city of Port-au-Prince with funding by the CDC Foundation and several other partners including the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the GE Foundation and Kaiser Permanente.” (RWJF, 2013) Since Haiti needs a permanent, modern health care facility that can respond to the medical needs and be staffed by Haitians, these new facilities will help improve public health by providing vaccinations and exams to keep the population healthy. If the population is healthy they can assist in the rebuilding of the country, continue to provide for their families and strive for a better …show more content…

When the population receives a good education, it leads to families having a stable life, the families then have someone who can go out and get a good job to provide for the family, which in turn leads to the family being able to sustain good health and live a longer life. “To address the education issues facing the country, the government has made free and universal education a priority. During the fall of 2011, the Government of Haiti’s Ministry of National Education and Vocational Training (MENFP) began the rollout of an operational plan to enroll 1.5 million students in school by 2016, and to improve curricula, train teachers, and set standards for schools.” (USAID,

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