
The Importance Of Going Back To The Army

Decent Essays

Here I Go “So live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their view, and demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, and beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and its purpose in the service of your people. Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide. (Tecumseh, 1813). Every person should strive for a better life. Not everything is clear and we do not always have all the answers. Life can bring you joy and happiness. It is up to you to make the move. In the mountain tops of Afghanistan after a long day of patrolling, I decided to better myself by furthering my education in the hopes that …show more content…

I have decided to go back to college because I want to progress my career by furthering my education. In the Army, once you reach the rank of Staff Sergeant (SSG), promotion to the next rank is competitive. A board consisting of the president, a Sergeant Major (SGM), and the body, Master Sergeants (MSG), is summoned. The records of all the Staff Sergeants that are eligible for promotion are reviewed and selected based on necessary qualities for the next level of responsibility. Sometimes the only factor that separates one from getting promoted over another is having a college degree. One of the tools that can help me to be successful in college is to create realistic, attainable goals. Having goals will help me to develop a sense of urgency to achieve my degree. Time management is also a big factor in completing college. That is why I decided to go to online learning rather than a traditional classroom setting. Online learning gives me the opportunity to control when I go to class. This way I can manage my time and do not have to worry about when and where I have to be in class and allows me to better manage my responsibilities. According to the Center for New Discovery in learning (2012), my learning style is 35% Visual, 35% Auditory, and 29% Kinesthetic. I was surprised with the results and I do not agree with them because I consider myself to be a hand on learner. On another quiz I was found to be a Visual learner. Bixler, B.

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