
The Importance Of Gender Standards In Society

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What regulations and standards has society upheld for both genders? Do you believe that parents stick to those same regulations and standards while raising their children? Throughout history, complaints have come from the mouths of males and females of how differently each gender is treated. Whether it has been that parents still have the mentality of how society used to be, or their generational culture factors as a cause for the delineation between the two genders. Parents’ mentality may also be embedded differently or the children themselves have pointed out the different gender based ethics that their parents have. Due to these factors, the world has become molded into a melting pot where not only society, but the parents as well hold disparate standards for their sons than their daughters. Of course, there are different cases just like anything else in life. Some people may argue that there are parents out there that are blind to gender standards and treat their kids equally. Without a doubt, there are modern or even feminist parents that do not follow the norms of gender roles that have been set by society since the beginning of time. Another group can bring up the fact that thanks to the Constitution, girls have the same rights and protection as any male American. Females are not only able to vote since August 20, 1920, they are now able to run for president and/or congress. Females have also turned out to be very successful in the business world. However, just

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