
The Importance Of Gender Equality In Education

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All around the world, generations of children have grown up with a history of male leadership. Gender equality has always been and continues to be a struggle, but with more awareness being shed on this problem, it has been improving on a local and global scale. However, governments still lack the gender diversity in their leadership positions that is needed by today’s standards and expectations. With more activism on a local and global level, future generations will grow up becoming leaders without limitations due to their gender.
I have been able to grow up in a fortunate environment with a strong sense of equal gender opportunity, but there was always the absence of equal gender icons to look up to when I was growing up. Most textbooks and lessons were filled with the accomplishments of male scientists, explorers, artists, and most of all, leaders. It is essential that we educate children at a young age the importance for the push towards gender equality in leadership positions. After all, it is difficult for little girls to believe teachers when say that they can grow up to be anything they want to be when there are male-clad posters of the United States presidents hanging up on the wall behind them. We cannot change the faces of the past to match our egalitarian expectations, but we can add an equal mix of genders to the curriculums and environments that all children grow up with to encourage them to change the future.
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