
The Importance Of Free Education

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Free education cost is a topic on the rise today. Obama has recently brought a point to have free education cost to appeal to low income families. Many states have jumped on this subject starting the “college promise,” such as Tennessee. Free education can be beneficial for the following reasons. First, it gives everyone a chance to obtain a degree, even low-income families. Second, having job skills for a good paying job require more education and experience than a high school diploma. Next, Obama has set the American promise into effect, although Tennessee was the first state to set the plan into motion. In addition to the American Promise, Tennessee was the first state to put the free tuition into effect. Also, Tennessee has duties for students to maintain. Of course, there were a few ways Tennessee supported the way they will fund their program. However, there is always a down fall to all good things, respectfully.
First, having free tuition for two to four years can really benefit low income families. According to the United States Census Bureau, “between the ages of 18 to 21 there are 17.2% that live in 100% poverty.” The young adults of age 18 are the ones coming right out of high school. “In 2013 there were 48% of high school students who attended public and private colleges, which leaves 52% of students who did not enroll in college courses.” That is over half of the student body in 2013. Personally, I am a part of the 52% who did not

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