
The Importance Of Family Communication

Decent Essays

My topic is, keeping family communication going in today’s technological world. My resource will be a brochure directed towards the family unit. In person communications are being lost to communicating via communication technologies. Keeping communication going in today’s technological world would relate to the Chronosystem level of Urie Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory because not communicating has harmful effects on the family unit within the microsystems. In the first article, we will be looking at how grandparents are communicating with their grandchildren using texting, email and social media. The second article we will look at parent’s knowledge of their children’s use of communication technologies. The third article will be …show more content…

The length of time that children spend on communication technology in school and in the home, is increasing. This has caused worries as to the effect of the time spent on these devices has on their growth and development. This study considers the use of communication information technologies and social media apps by 6th grade student’s. It observes the parent’s knowledge of the children’s use of these communication information technologies and social media apps and how many of the parents are friends with the children on the apps. This study was conducted from the use of online survey’s by more than 31,000 students. There have been several studies as to the effect that spending too much time online has on the students’ performance in school. These studies show a direct correlation between the amount of time students spent on Facebook and their deficient performance in academics and their GPA (Temsah, 2016).
The invention of information communication technologies link millions of people to exchange memories, information and events. This is a perfect chance to connect long distance family members and continue heritages and memories. An example of this would be a photo of a special moment posted on social media that is almost instantaneously shared with all of your family and friends. Likes and comments on the photo are immediate and you do not have to wait until you see the person for them to

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