
The Importance Of Ethnic Work

Decent Essays

Ethnicity and race help define who you are as a person. The ways you embrace and maintain your ethnicity and race is called ethnic work. My ethnic work revolves around my religion, Catholicism because it is an important part of my life. My ethnicity is Mexican and European and my race is caucasian. As a person with a wide range of cultural backgrounds I find that maintaining my ethnic work can be challenging because I neglect many aspects of my heritage. My mom's side of the family comes from parts of the U.S. that were previously controlled by Mexico. Before their lands were conquered by Americans the Mexican people controlled the many current states such as New Mexico (where some of our family was from). My dad’s family is Welsh, Irish, and British. His ancestors left those areas and relocated to the the East Coast and Wisconsin. On the East Coast you can find the city Alderson in West Virginia. My last name is Alderson and I learned from my dad that one of his ancestors founded that town.The lifestyle of my dad’s family in Wisconsin is very different from my mom’s family because they speak different languages and have different traditions. For example, religion is more important to my mom’s side of the family. Despite all of the …show more content…

The Catholic church teaches us to dress modestly and appropriately meaning that we do not wear revealing clothes, especially when we go to church. Also, I’ve learned how I should live my life. The 10 Commandments and Precepts of the Church have helped me realize what kind of person I want to be. My race and ethnicity have helped me to understand where I came from and my family's background. Mexicans usually are more involved with the Catholic church which is part of the reason why my Hispanic family members are active participants in the church. The significance of my religion has been demonstrated by my Mexican heritage more than my European-descent family

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