
The Importance Of Ethics And Policing

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Ethics and Policing have come into question over the past few years due to the surge of police brutality and corruption cases. Ethics plays an essential role in criminal justice. The amount of authority that the police and criminal justice professionals have, it is crucial for them to be held ethically accountable. Cyndi Banks stated that “Criminal justice professionals, who often possess the right to control others through the application of force and coercion, must understand how to act in situations in which ethical dilemmas arise if they are to avoid accusations of abuse of their powers (Banks, 2011). There is no question that the police have the authority to lawfully use physical force to perform their jobs. However, rule bending and excessive use of force have predominantly been explained by referring to a specific culture in police agencies. High levels of internal loyalty and cynicism to society are said to be important factors that explain such unethical behavior. This focus on rule-breaking and cover-up practices in the classic police culture, literature has led to a rather negative approach in police ethics research that resulted in an extended body of literature on the prevalence of police corruption and how to avoid it (Banks, 2008). Moreover, deontological ethics focuses on how actions follow certain moral rules. So, the action is judged rather than the consequences of the action. The biggest proponent of deontological ethics was Immanuel Kant who said that

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