
The Importance Of Education

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Having an education is one of the most important things to have no matter where you are. My entire life I have envisioned myself as a teacher. When I was young I would line up my stuff animals and give them math problems to solve. As I grew older my passion never faded. In middle school I began volunteering as an assistant soccer coach where I would sit and help teach new skills, from there in high school I did my student internship at a local middle school. Not only did I have experience in these classes, I also was able to sit in my Mothers middle school math classes. So when I got to college I knew that I wanted to follow in my mom’s footsteps. Currently, being in my field study and middle education classes I have learned that becoming a teacher is one of the most rewarding and influential careers someone could choose. Middle school aged students are going through the transitional years of their lives. These students are changing provocatively, whether it be physical, intellectually morally, psychologically or socially, these changes will impact who they will be in the future. While students are going through these changes they need a role model in their lives to represent and guide them through these challenges. Each student is changing at different rates. Boys and girls are both beginning puberty at this point of their life, their bodies are changing rapidly physically, and new things are going on with their bodies that they have not experienced before. These changes

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