
The Importance Of Developmentally Appropriate Practices For Young Children

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The Importance of Developmentally Appropriate Practices
Every child deserves an environment that endorses developmentally appropriate practices, to promote joy, respect, autonomy, creativity, exploration, responsibility and choice. Within such environment, one may argue that, catering to young children can be very demanding. However, all early years facilitator, who possess certain qualities and display positive characteristics, can definitely create an environment where children individual needs are catered to and they are able to thrive ecstatically. Knowing how children learn and develop is essential for teachers of young children, as that knowledge will guide the practices that are implemented within the classroom. The more educators know and tune in to the way children think and learn the more effective teaching becomes and the more satisfying their work. Copple & Bredekamp (2006), postulates that teachers need to meet children where they are, as individuals and as a group as well as help each child attain challenging and achievable goals that contribute to his or her ongoing development and learning.

Subsequently, early childhood facilitators need to understand the importance of developmentally appropriate practices and ensure that children are catered to accordingly. To effectively execute appropriate practices, educators must first understand the meaning of developmentally appropriate practice; the features associated with it and the importance

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