
The Importance Of Data On Data

Decent Essays

The probability of a conflict in our lifetime is high if you judge historical trends. We as an intelligence enterprise exercise a fairly new technique of no “cold starts”. We do not in the best of our ability enter a situation without historical, fused, and correlated information on the adversary. This information is introduced through technological based systems to allow for the intelligence analyst time to analyze and exploit. The U.S. Government one of the top users of big data spends on average $200 million just in research of how to manage data (Big Data in the Government Sector). The need for speed of collaboration on data is a necessity. We can longer execute collaboration via “flat products” but however we must …show more content…

The MIB (T) as an organizational solution to big data facilitates an increased capability for fused intelligence from BCT to Theater. In addition to the organizational solution the material solution in DCGS-A enabled systems streamlines near real time collaboration worldwide (Concept Development, Capabilities Determination, and Capabilities Integration). This collaboration on a Common Operating Picture sometimes exceeded a day when the interoperability was email and “flat products” ie Power Point. With “systems of systems” fielded within the DOD both structured and unstructured data may be fused into actionable intelligence or PIR’s answered for combatant commanders. With accurate intelligence this may influence commanders and policymakers to act or not. The technological help of the systems gives more credibility. An adversary may be more nefarious as originally thought or vice versa. It is without argument that technological advancement is increasing both within the U.S. and globally. With advancement analysts, commanders, and policymakers may come more reliant upon this technology to manipulate big data into streamlined answers. These systems will probably be replaced usually within every generation. With each replacement the process usually does not change but the technological advancement of the system

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