
The Importance Of Being Earnest Societal Standards Essay

Decent Essays

Societal Standards in The Importance of Being Earnest
Oscar Wilde was an extraterrestrial figure in a world accustomed to normality and invariability. Wilde was a homosexual in a time period where such behavior was not tolerated by any means. He was arrested a year after writing The Importance of Being Earnest on charges of indecency, with the fact of his homosexuality in mind (Staff). Funnily enough, The Importance of Being Earnest was a well liked play in the time area, even though it was fraught with “unseemly” behaviors in regards to the sexes. In the Importance of Being Earnest, Oscar Wilde dares to convey a message of resistance against social norms while criticizing the social hierarchy through the display of an utterly absurd societal crisis. …show more content…

Gender parody, quite simply, “reveals that the original identity after which identity fashions itself is an imitation without an origin,” (Bastiet 2). The women present in The Importance of Being Earnest behave in such ways that no normal woman of the Victorian era typically would. For example, while Cecily’s appearance is feminine, her attitude can be interpreted as very masculine, as she “has got a capital appetite, goes long walks, and pays no attention at all to her lessons,” (Wilde 16). Both having a large appetite and taking pleasure in physical activity are things associated with men in this time period. A woman who does activities such as these was not heard of. And the lack of motivation for her studies is also a sure sign of your atypical female character, as women took education very seriously in the time period, as there was not much else they were held responsible

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