
The Importance Of Being Earnest By Oscar Wilde

Decent Essays

On the eleventh of November, I was able to take in a performance of Oscar Wilde’s 1895 comedy, The Importance of Being Earnest, a Trivial Comedy for Serious People, it was performed in an amphitheater from within Corning Community College. Additionally, it was presented by the aforementioned college, and the Muse of Fire Theatre group. While initially off putting, the overall experience was generally an enjoyable one.
When viewing the stage the audience can obviously tell that, while seemingly simplistic, there was a great effort put forth into the design of the production. At the play’s start we see Algernon Moncrieff (Andrew Fish) awaiting his aunt Lady Bracknell (Calin Nichols) and his cousin Gwendolyn (Roselynn Corrado) but is visited

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