
Purpose Of A Community Health Assessment

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The purpose of a Community Health Assessment is to improve the health of the community by focusing on factors that promote health and wellness. Per the CDC, “Community health assessments use principles such proactive, broad, and diverse community engagement to improve results” (2016). Retrieved November 06, 2016, from
Wyoming has had an increasing number of suicides within the last twenty years, primarily within the Natrona County District. Health Care professionals have implemented new intervention programs to decrease suicidal rates within Wyoming. In efforts to stop suicide, health care professionals have focused on specific areas where suicide rates are at their highest.
Natrona County is geographically located in Wyoming. Wyoming is in the western part of the United States. Cities that reside in Natrona County consist of Casper, Barnunn, Mills, Evansville, and Midwest. Natrona County has a population of 81,624 people compared to the entire state of Wyoming with a population of 584,153 people. Wyoming is a rural area and is one of the lowest populated states in the United States. Major businesses that reside in Wyoming consist of oil, gas, ranching, and coal. The health status measure that was selected was premature death. Per the CDC, “Premature Death is the years of potential life lost before age 75 (YPLL-75). Every death occurring before the age of 75 contributes to the total number of years of potential life lost. For example, a person dying at

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