
The Importance Of A Child Being Immunized

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The Importance of a Child Being Immunized A healthy way to start a child life off right after birth is to make sure they get immunized before they leave the hospital. Save your child’s life by making the right choice to get those shots. Could you imagine leaving the hospital with your newborn child without receiving the proper care? Could you see your child being infected by another child that has never been vaccinated due to their parents opt out? Making sure they do not miss any scheduled doses throughout their scheduled period can save their lives. It is important for all children from birth, until they reach the age of 18, to stay updated on vaccines because it saves their lives. Vaccines protect others from disease outbreaks. Staying up to date on vaccines shows the ethics policy and how each vaccines should be given as each child reaches a certain age in the United States. Immunizations are important because they protect our children’s lives against disease. According to the CDC, Center for Disease Control, some diseases that once injured or killed thousands of children have been eliminated completely, and others are close to being gone, primarily due to safe and effective vaccines. For example, the one great impact vaccines have had is the eradication of polio in the United States (CDC). As stated, polio was once America’s most-feared disease, causing death and paralysis across the country, but today thanks to vaccination, there have not been any reports of polio

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