
The Implementation Of Infection Control

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In this paper the following will be discussed: The different reasons why it’s so important to control the spread of infections especially if it may be contagious. Meaning it can spread directly by being exposed to the illness or indirectly through the lack of proper hygiene. This not only puts the safety of nurses at risk but also patients and even the public if it spreads or is not treated properly. In this paper, the implementation of infection control will be discussed to ensure patient and nurse safety. In relation to these points, patient Mr Soya Latte who has been diagnosed with Vancomycin Resistant Enterococci (VRE) will be discussed and explained. Also the reasoning of him being isolated to prevent the spreading of infection (VRE) and the role precautions have in controlling the infection will be discussed in greater detail to Mr Lattes case. PARAGRAPH 1: Using the World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines on Infection Control and the chain of infection identify how infections spread. Identifying how infections spread Infections result from the presents of pathogens (DeLaune, Ladner, McTier, Tollefson & Lawrence, 2016). There are six links in the chain of infection, they are; the infectious agent, reservoir, portal of exit, means of transmission, portal of entry and the susceptible host (DeLaune et al., 2016). According to WHO (World Health Organisation) infection control is defined aa” ensuring the protection of those who might be vulnerable to acquiring

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