
The Impact of Values on the Workforce Essay

Good Essays

The Impact of Personal Values, Organizational Values, and Cultural Values on the Workforce

When we are called upon to make decisions, several factors are taken into consideration before this decision can be made. Depending on the type of decision, such factors could be cultural beliefs, personal beliefs, and organizational beliefs. We have come to realize that there are fundamental challenges in trying to apply ethical principles in a cultural and organizational environment. Each culture has unique distinctions in values, which may or may not be considered ethical by each individual within society. These differences in culture and personal beliefs influence any decision, whether personal or professional, of any individual. Certain …show more content…

George Folis (1996) made an excellent point when he said “ Personal ethics establishes credibility, the engine that maintains the momentum for effective interpersonal and business relations in a laissez-faire society” (p. 46). Associating personal values in accordance with business values tells my employer and clients what I stand for as a professional, thus creating a positive image, strong business values, and a feeling of self-assurance.

Organizational values are defined by the organization’s codes of conduct and ethical principles. Organizational values set acceptable or expected norms of behavior for the individual members of the organization. Balancing individual and organizational values explores the major challenges in today’s business world. Without organizational values, members will follow their individual value practices. These may or may not promote behavior that the organization finds desirable. Organizations should establish values to provide their members guidelines for their behavior thus providing the framework for the culture of the organization.

When making a business decision, I take into consideration the code of conduct, the environment, and the people my decision will affect. Sometimes, in order to be successful, we must be willing to adapt. From my experience during Operation Iraq Freedom, adaptation was important for survival. Despite my

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