
The Impact of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

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Having Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) has significantly impacted my life. The ramifications of this learning difference have affected not just my academic life but my personal life as well, and have been a source of some conflict between my parents and I. However, I have made a number of strides towards dealing with this condition, and am proud to say that a number of changes I have made in my life are largely able to offset the negative consequences ADHD can produce. Prior to my formal diagnosis of ADHD, I had tremendous difficulty performing well academically. I was fine through the early grades in grammar school, and eventually hit rock bottom during my first year of junior high school. What was frustrating was the fact that I wanted to perform well academically a notion that was reinforced plenty of time by my parents, especially from my father but I would leave certain classes unsure about what material was covered and what expectations the teachers had for the students regarding homework assignments. And I could not figure out why. One the advice from one of her friends, my mother had me tested for a learning difference and I think we were all a little relieved to find out that it was ADHD. The doctor said that it was probably a condition that I was born with which, untreated, could spiral out of control. Once this diagnosis was made, however, my parents systematically invested in a number of resources that were able to help me counteract its

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