
The Impact Of Stephen King's Impact On American Culture

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The Impact of Stephen King on American Culture
“God is cruel. Sometimes he makes you live(Stephen King).” King was born in a post- World War II America society. King felt as if the world was being invaded by technologically advanced aliens during the cold war. The US was stuck in a technological arms race against Russia at the time to make it to space and to develop nuclear weapons. This was incredibly unnerving for King, especially when he was watching one of his favorite television programs and it was interrupted by an announcement stating that Russia had beaten the US in the race into space. The invasion of aliens and the parallels people noticed it had to the cold war with the Russian satellites and the fear that came with it all gave king a perfect source of terror to use in his novels. These experiences in particular, aided in the development of his imagination used in his writing later in life. The war horrified king and while he was in college, he served as a member in an anti-war group at the University of Maine. Soon after Salem's Lot was published, his mother died of cancer at only 59 years old. The hardships king endured help create a unique, dark writing style that is enjoyed all around the world. Stephen King is by far one of the very most influential writers of American Culture and he continues to baffle his fans to this day.
King was born on September 21, 1947 into a horribly broken family. He lived in Portland, Maine in his early childhood with his older

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