
The Impact Of Modern Health Care On The United States

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Modern health care is a policy revolving around a system that allows individuals to access medical services in order to maintain or improve physical and mental health. There is not universal coverage throughout the world, and some individuals have the access and coverage vital to their wellbeing. In the last decade, healthcare cost have been rising at a steady rate on a worldly scale. Numerous industrialized and developed countries are being exposed to a steady fluctuation within the structure of the system, and the question on how to control and prevent further increases has yet to be solved. A large percentage of the GDP for developed countries is currently being spent on the healthcare system. Countries such as the United States spend around 17.7% of its GDP on healthcare, with the Netherlands spending the second most at around 11.9%. This widespread increase on healthcare expenditures is only going to increase as time progresses, unless a new universal system is implemented that will help control the cost worldwide. In many countries, millions of people suffer from illness because of their lack of resources, and appropriate access of health care they need. As a result of this, a large percentage of the population in the lesser-developed regions are dying due to the nonexistence of treatment. Contrary to that, if medical attention is received, the costly services push them into poverty or financial deficit. In countries that have access to certain health services at an

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