
The Impact Of Australian Environmental Impacts On Australia

Decent Essays

Question 1:

Australia was once one of the healthiest and wealthiest single megadiverse country in the world. Unfortunately, it is now facing serious environmental problems which will affect the future generations.

The early signs of the Australian environmental impacts were introduced by the colonial settlement in the 18th -19th century. The coastal population, the bringing of new species, the land degradation and the water conflicts, are the agents that contributed to the start of the environment deterioration.
And since the environmental issues are directly related to population growth, human activities and associated developments, it is definite that Australia will still be encountering future environmental challenges. Even with the compliance to legislation acts and protection policies, Australia is at the forefront of environmental management but in fact were are leaving our future generations major environmental problems such as climate change, fresh water allocation and storage, marine fisheries, rapid growth in mining and coal seam gas development, biodiversity loss, land degradation and deforestation.

Drought, heatwaves, bushfires, longer fire season, floods, sea level rising, oceans warming and becoming more acidic, all these are happening because of the climate change Australia is experiencing.
The major driver believed to be the cause of climate change is greenhouse gas emissions, and since Australia is one of the top countries with

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