
The Immortal Life Of Henrietta Lacks Summary

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Public health is defined as a science that promotes and protects the health of communities through education and research. “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks” speaks about many research opportunities that were aided by the help of the HeLa cells, which transformed into many major parts of the modern public health system. The research and treatments created was a tertiary approach aimed to manage certain diseases and to control further disability in the community. However one of the major obstacles in using and multiplying the HeLa cells was how ethical the process was. Many regulations and guidelines that those in the public health industry now abide by came from the controversial studies that stemmed form the HeLa cells. Without the bold …show more content…

She never wanted to see the doctor nor undergo any of the treatments that they first offered her because she didn’t trust in the system. This could either have been due to low economic status in her family or her racial determinants. Community public health was affected by somatic cell fusion, which was the formation of two cells of different diseases. They felt that these scientists were going to create “monsters” or odd creations. On a national level public health was affected when the ethical standard came into play of if it was right to use cells of another human for research. Not only was that particular study with Henrietta’s cells controversial but another that dealt with changing the DNA of some of her cells to infect them with HIV was not well liked either. This did help with the fight against AIDS but activists saw this as immoral and irresponsible. Public Health has affected several parts of the story of Henrietta Lacks and continues to be a prominent part of findings that stemmed from her …show more content…

When Henrietta was diagnosed with cancer they went through the proper and appropriate treatment for that time period. There were no set guidelines at the time for how to tell if someone had cancer or not and when they found it they responded immediately and knowledgably. The response to the contamination of HeLa cells was also a very good catch by Lewis Coriell and if this would of never been discovered the progression of research today would be nowhere near as advanced as it is because we would have eventually had to start over. However, even though at one point the cells used in the ATCC were considered not of the original HeLa cell at the time Coriell did what was best for the scientific community. To continue the response to the findings of Henrietta’s cancer being sexually transmitted was a huge asset to the research in HPV vaccines other diseases. This very first finding was the start to a journey of AIDS prevention and many more modern day diseases. If the responses to this particular levels of public health related to this book had been different today’s world would be without many treatment plans, medications, and even certain indicators of diseases. The individuals in this book were indirectly affected by HeLa cells but the people who were directly affected would agree with her cousin Cliff that it was a miracle her cells could be used cure diseases, their

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