
The Immortal Hero

Decent Essays

It is said that after 100 years a powerful hero is sent by the gods to fight against the demons and monsters of the world. Every 100 years, this hero is always different from each of its predecessor but is said that they have similar appearances, possibly a depiction of one of the gods themselves! Not many know about who these beings are but there is one thing that they all have in common, it is their unequal strength! They are hailed for fighting against powerful foes on the battlefield, however, the truth is not what it seems to be. Long ago, when the continents were created by the gods, a man was cursed by the goddess of life for not becoming her husband and is turned into an Immortal to find his 'one true love' for all eternity. The curse is a grave one which at first seemed to be a gift but after many years the now immortal man becomes an empty shell due to the despair of losing his loved ones over time. After many years, the immortal decided to find a way to suicide and free himself from the curse but failed after failure and failure. Sick of his life, the man created a machine that wipes away the memories of his current self to 'kill' himself and let his future self-take on his place. Before the immortals memory was wiped, he wrote rules that his future self must follow and that was 'to find a way to kill yourself' and 'if there is …show more content…

Each Immortal was different in their own ways, each having their own distinct characteristics. But why is this Immortal much more different than the others? Is it because this Immortal will be one of the most powerful amongst the others, or because he is the smartest amongst them all? No, he is neither the strongest and smartest, he is but one thing! An Immortal who only instead of searching for a way to kill himself, he will search for a way to become stronger to kill the goddess of

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