
The Image Of Plastic Surgery Essay

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The media puts forth a plethora of information to the general public. Appearance is a major idea in society that is constantly put out on mainstream media. The image of seemingly perfect celebrities and stars are heavily rotated, and have lasting effects on millions of Americans who are unhappy with their body image. Plastic surgery has become common amongst middle class women, and a rapid increase in male plastic surgery has been noted in recent years. Constant exposure to the “perfect” body image in the media puts harm in the very idea that the human body comes in all shapes and sizes. Despite the temptations of a perfect body and plastic surgery to fix imperfections, it is completely possible to maintain a positive sense of self while facing standards and expectations that are nearly impossible to obtain. The perfect body is an image that is put out by the media for both men and women. In our society, the standard for women is that they maintain slim bodies with certain features being larger. The standard for men is that they work out and maintain muscular bodies. Nancy Clark touches upon this concept in her 2004 article “Mirror, Mirror on the Wall… Are Muscular Men the Best of All?” Clark explains that men tend to see themselves as too small, and maintain a constant thirst to grow in mass.
“Muscle dysmorphia is a new syndrome emerging behind gym doors. You might notice it in your gym’s weight room. Some weightlifters pathologically believe their muscles are too small.

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