
The Hyper-Cirization Of Women In Domestic Kitchen

Decent Essays

In order to answer these question many woman have to find ways to negotiate success in a professional food service environment that disproportionally outnumbers them. There is a gap in the industry, where women are considered a minority and earn less than male counterparts. Men entering the professional kitchens did not alleviate women’s responsibilities in the domestic kitchen, we still see a rather predominant ideal of traditional female roles and responsibilities. Nowadays, there still happens to be some taboos about the role of men in the kitchens, making them seem less obviously masculine while performing cooking tasks, to ensure any observer that food preparation did not make them woman-like in some way.

The hyper-masculinization of …show more content…

Films like Julia and Julie, Like Water for Chocolate and Mostly Martha constitute a common idea where food appears as beautiful utopia and serves as an entry for women to cast aside gender barriers in professional environments. Julia Child liberating women in the 60’s though her show The French Chef using cooking as a tool of self-expression. Martha in Mostly Martha showing her commanding position in a kitchen and Tita in Like Water for Chocolate, became a subverting voice for domestic cooks. We live in a time where print and visual media are a medium to validate and advocate for gender inequality in professional and domestic kitchen; they also are a powerful influence in transforming preconceived ideas about a woman’s role into empowering messages that change how our society see our role today and in the future. More women moving out of the kitchen and into the workforce; men participating in domestic chores and sharing the burden of the household. Women proving that they can be as good as or better than a man, to be able to rise to the highest positions in a professional kitchens and being equally deserving of fair

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