
The Hunger For Power In Shakespeare's Macbeth

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Shakespeare’s stories are still read today because readers can still take meaningful takeaways from them. One of Shakespeare’s most famous stories, “Macbeth,” is the tragedy of a man, consumed by ambition and the thirst for power, who tries too hard to alter his destiny. Macbeth’s actions initially lead to his crowning as the king of Scotland, but lead to his downfall and demise soon after. Even many centuries later, people are still consumed by ambition, power, and their destiny, leading to violence worldwide and disappointment on a smaller scale. Macbeth is still relevant today because the lessons inside can still be applied centuries later. Macbeth remains relevant because ambition and hunger for power leads to violence even today. Most wars or conflicts are caused when one group sees another in between the first group and power or gain. Macbeth, once he learns that the witches’ prophecies have some credibility, almost immediately says “If good, why do I yield to that suggestion [of killing Duncan] whose horrid image doth unfix my hair” (1.3.147-148). Macbeth realizes that there is a good chance that he must kill Duncan to gain control of the crown. He goes from a loyal general to an assassin almost immediately. Once Macbeth realizes he has an opportunity for the crown, he is consumed by the chance at power. Initially, Macbeth realizes that if the prophecy is true, he could just wait and eventually become king saying “If chance will have me king, why, chance may crown

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