
The Human Nature Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde

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ound Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde gripping because it sheds light on some interesting issues that remain important today. The story’s ideas have the relationship with human nature. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde gives me a very unique imagination, that is, From the beginning of the story is from the lawyer's point of view to describe Jekyll and Hyde, at the last, it changes to Jekyll's perspective to tell the story and answer all the mysteries. Each section is memorable, like the true identity of Hyde and the reason of Jekyll's suicide; Each section is evocative, the rhythm of the story are caught very well, because the doctor cannot control his actions and desires, so he often made a lot of mistakes, he invented a chemical that can restrain thinking when he has terrible desire, he drank the medicine can be continued with his life, but also brought many problems in his life. A scene that impressed me is a party, the party suddenly fled the scene, and the fact is again the germination of terror the idea in his mind, so he had to escape from reality helpless, let oneself not commit more errors. Another thing that I like the character is a lawyer Utterson. Jekyll is a doctor, so he has a lawyer who is responsible for rational thinking. The story runs through this character all the time. Before he found out that the murderer was Jekyll, he was searching hard. Of course, in the middle of the story, Mr. Utterson began to suspect that the murderer was Jekyll. He was deeply concerned about the

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