
The House Of The Scorpion Belonging Quotes

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The Impact of Others Napoleon Hill, an American author, once said “Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another.” Daily, people are influenced by what they see, hear, and the individuals they encounter. In The House of the Scorpion, by Nancy Farmer, Matt’s caregiver is Celia. She is one of El Patron's numerous servants. Matt is a clone who is despised by everyone living in Opium; he is considered a filthy animal. Matt is the clone of El Patron, who is the dictator of Opium. El Patron uses eejits, who are mentally altered humans to work for him. Eejits run the drug fields also known as “The Farms”. The main purpose of a clone is to provide spare parts …show more content…

The theme people are affected by who they encounter is displayed through Matt, and his relationships with others surrounding him. One of the many people that influence Matt throughout life journey is Rosa. After Matt makes it out of his locked house Celia keeps him in to ensure his safety, the first person that treats Matt poorly is Rosa. Once she figures out that Matt is a clone she literally throws him out of the Alacran Estate, and from then on she treats him negatively. One of the many insults that Rosa says to Matt is “Bleating won’t save you, you good for nothing animal. . . This whole wing of the house is empty because you’re in it. . . But one thing you’d better understand: I’m your master now, and if you make me angry-watch out!” (49-50). This makes Matt timid. This leads Matt to shut himself off from the world and nearby people. Rosa is one of the first …show more content…

However, her influence is positive. She is the first, and only person to befriend Matt after the mistreatment he received from the Alacran Estate. “‘Want me to peel you one Matt?’ She called. ‘Don’t.’ Said Emelia. ‘Matt’s a clone you mustn't go near it.’ ‘What’s a clone?’ ‘A bad animal.’ ‘How bad?’ Maria said with interest” (27). Maria asked how bad of an animal a clone is which shows she was still willing to try, and go near Matt even though Emilia, her sister, stated she shouldn’t go near the “bad animal”. However, Maria is willing to go against the people that she loves to do what she feels is right, and help others. This influences Matt to believe he should risk his safety for the people he loves. Maria also teaches Matt that love is most important in life, and without love there is not much to life. “‘I don’t like Tom much. He’s getting more and more like McGregor, but I can change him.’ ‘You can’t change Tom.’ Matt said. ‘Patience, and love can do anything.’ Maria said” ( 209). Maria shows Matt that violence isn’t the only way to resolve the problems he has. Maria teaches Matt to believe that love and patience can change even the worst of

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