
The Holocaust Explained: A Short Story

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It was another restless night. I gazed out my window watching, as the flames enlarged, casting shadows over the camp. The crematorium smoke was like a snake lingering and slithering over our fates. I watched through another window, as it swallowed every inch of the room and crept up the rusty long, old pipes, only to dance with the fresh breath of air in the outside world- the same world the I have never seen in awhile. The camp was still silent. I felt my eyes slowly getting heavy just as the sun was about to rise. Suddenly, a loud siren pierced through the quietness. I heard the German officers bang on the beds yelling “Wecke dich dreckiger hund auf!” The room gradually filled with life as the prisoners shuffled their feet and formed their …show more content…

We dug holes for hours with tools that were as useful as the clogs we were given (“The Holocaust Explained: How were camps run?”). It was a dusty job. Harsh winds blew small pebbles and pelted them at our legs. I have gotten many scuffs from these pebbles… I like to call them “battle scars.” Ever so often, on the windiest days, we would inhale too much dust, making it difficult to breathe. A few feet away from our worksite, were the 6 foot walls that separated us and freedom. It was there everyday, as a constant reminder of what we once had (“The Holocaust Just Got More Shocking”). I dozed off, dreaming of what it could be like, to see my family again… to go off to school… how proud they would be. A sharp pain suddenly struck across my back. I snapped back to reality, only to realize there was a figure standing right before me. They had shiny, tough black shoes paired with an olive green uniform. It was the German officer. He barked insults and threats at me left and right, ordering me to get back to work. I reached for my back trying to contain my pain. The blood dripped down and began to collect itself on the dirt. I stared at the blood on my hands, unfrightened by what just happened. Every now and then, the sounds of gunshots could be heard in the distance, signifying the tragic death of another. I felt bad for whoever the victim

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