
The Holocaust: A Short Story

Decent Essays

The only Avengers who were able to make it to Bryant Park were Steve, Thor, Natasha, and Clint. Loki was with them as well, but he was being dragged by Clint and Natasha. They all stopped as soon as they arrived at W 40th Street, but what they saw horrified them, it even made Loki uncomfortable at the sight.

The entire park was in flames. While they didn't know how long the fire has been going on, it looked like it wasn't going to away anytime soon. The flames seemed to grow bigger and dance in delight as it continues to spread and cause destruction. When Steve saw the Christmas Tree up in flames, it left him mouth-opened in horror as his heart was broken by the sight.

Both Clint and Natasha's gaze were fixed on all the flames, but screaming …show more content…

You sound like you're witnessing the Holocaust again!" While Tony's words weren't for pain, it made Steve's heart retched once he realized how the sight before him was similar to the Holocaust.

"I will be again if you don't get your ass here now!" He bellowed, making Tony reeled his head back in surprise by this.

"Jeez, Cap, what hap-" Tony stopped short, from talking and flying once he saw the chaos. "Holy shit..."

"Language..." Steve couldn't help but mumbled. They were all a mess from just seeing this horrific sight. "Alright, Tony, Thor's cleaning up the fire hydrants, I need both of you to redirect the water into the fire!"

"Got it!" Steve could see Iron Man flew from above the park right to where all the flashes on the other side of the park were. Suddenly he remember something, "Wait, where's the Hulk?"

A loud roar was his answer as Steve whipped his head up to the sky and was met with an interesting sight. The Hulk was soaring through the air with, an uprooted water tower in both hands. The Hulk roared as he saw the horrific sight and wanted it to stop. He threw the water tower across the fire. The water seemed to rain down on the raging fire only manage to calm it down, but only slightly as the flames continued to sway violently, but not as …show more content…

Suddenly the branch finally gave away and was now falling towards them. The woman quickly covered her son in hopes to take more of the damage instead of him. The waited...

Nothing happened.

The woman hesitantly looked up and was surprised at what she saw. The branch was suspended in mid-air as if it was being hold up by invisible strings.

"You know, if I were you I would leave that spot as fast as I could." The woman turned her head to see Loki with his hand outstretched towards the branch. The woman mumbled breathed out a "thank you" before dragging her son away. Loki almost nearly rolled his eyes, predictable mortals, before dropping the branch.

Feeling someone piercing his back with their eyes, Loki turned around to see Thor staring at him with a stun expression.

"What?" Loki spit out, not liking the way his "brother" was looking at him.

"You..." Thor had to shake his head to get a hold of himself. "You just save two mortals...on your own..."

"Yes, so?" Loki asked, a little too defensively.

"I was just saying, maybe your punishment won't be as long as you thought." Now Loki looked very tensed once he saw Thor flashed him a hopeful smile. Oh,

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