
Essay The History of Fair Trade

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Fair trade can be defined as a social movement thats objective is to help producers in developing countries make better trading conditions and elevate sustainability. Fair trade is contrasting to the other trade practices in our world, its about making codes of fairness in the marketplace. The practice of fair trade seeks to reshape the way we buy and sell products - to verify that all farmers and skilled workers behind the manufacturing of goods get a better deal. Most people would assume this as a better means for prices, however can include better and longer lasting relationships. Fair trade is also about information, having the knowledge as to where are food/products are coming from, and having the knowledge that all products were …show more content…

However the fair trade movement was majorly shaped in the years following WWII. The Mennonite Central Committee and SERRV International were the first in 1946 to develop fair trade supply chains in developing countries. The products were mostly sold by volunteers in charity stores. North Americas first fair trade organization started in 1946 also, Ten Thousand Villages. Later in 1988, the launch of the first fair trade label (Max Havelaar) was created under the initiative of a Dutch development agency. The Max Havelaar label was further replicated in several markets in Europe and North America. In 1989 the International Fair Trade Association (IFAT) was the first umbrella organization to unite and coordinate fair trade business and organizations. They became the first organization to commit to fair trade 100%. Later in 1997 the Fairtrade International (FLO) was established, this was the second major umbrella organization for fair trade. However the FLO does not require fair trade on 100% of its members or products. Later in 2004, Fairtrade international split into two independent organizations, FLO which sets fair trade standards, and producer support, and FLO-CERT, which inspects and certifies producer organizations. Today fair trade has developed into something much more, the global sales have soared over the past decade. This proves that fair trade is actually making a difference in our world, a little bit at a time.

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